The Future of Industrial Ethernet Connectivity

Enhanced Gigabit Real-Time Ethernet Communications with Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) Capability

To realize the goals of Industry 4.0, new industrial connectivity solutions are required that enable higher data bandwidth and deliver a converged network between the IT and OT. With the increased deployment of robots and cobots in smart factories, significantly more data is being generated and distributed along with real-time control commands. This webinar discusses the challenges and solutions of new Ethernet technologies for tomorrow’s industrial communications systems.

Attendees will learn:

  • How to deploy an industrial Ethernet Solutions today for 10/100Mbit
  • What TSN is, why is it needed and where is it headed
  • About the future of edge connectivity with 10BASE-T1L



Related Content:

Arrow's World of Industry 4.0

Analog Devices Chronous™: Industrial Ethernet Solutions

- The Future of TSN in Industrial Networks


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