On-demand Webinar: Current Sense Amplifiers

Learn the theory, benefits, and practical application of non-isolated current sensing technology.

Register for this webinar from STMicroelectronics and discover the advantages of using non-isolated current sense amplifiers as we explore the basic theory of operation along with important design considerations, supported by some application examples.

Current sense amplifiers are especially designed to accurately measure the current by amplifying the voltage across a shunt resistor. The voltage drop is then amplified by an instrumentation amplifier and transformed into a ground-referenced voltage with a fixed gain.

By the end of this on-demand webinar, you will understand the fundamentals of non-isolated current sensing, how to apply this knowledge through detailed application use-cases, and what to consider when designing with these devices. You will also be introduced to ST's growing portfolio of precision current sense amplifiers, and we will show you how an innovative new family of bidirectional current sense amplifiers are used to minimize measurement errors in applications up to 70 V.

You will learn:

  •  Current sensing methods and their pros and cons
  •  Current sense amplifier use-cases, design considerations, and available development tools
  •  About ST’s expanding portfolio of current sensing devices


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