Higher Manufacturing Throughput and Efficient OTA with Flash

Faster erase and program capabilities can improve not only manufacturing throughput, thus lowering costs, but also provide better performance.


Attendees will learn:

- How faster erase and program capabilities can improve not only manufacturing throughput (thus lowering costs) but also provide better performance.­

- How to address the growing popularity of OTA where typically a large amount of code or data is remotely updated.


Jackson Huang, Senior Director of Technical Marketing at Winbond

With over 25 years of experience in marketing for automotive, consumer, and industrial products, Jackson focuses on managing and driving critical marketing functions to achieve revenue and market share goals. Prior to joining Winbond, Jackson was the Vice President of Marketing for Product Marketing, Segment Marketing, and Ecosystems Development at Cypress and Spansion. Jackson held various marketing management positions at Trident Microsystems and Advanced Micro Devices for SoC and memory products. Prior to moving to technology marketing, Jackson was a senior engineer at Fujitsu Microelectronics and Watkins Johnson where he worked on 32-bit MCUs and radar signal processing systems. Jackson is the co-inventor of three flash patents and holds a BS in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor and MBA in marketing and international business from Santa Clara University.


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