Bank Isolated, 2-Channel, 16-Bit, 500 kSPS, Simultaneous Sampling Signal Chain Featuring Module Data Acquisition System

Analog Devices の部品 ADAQ7988 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Analog Devices
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Automatic Test Equipment
  • Battery Powered Instrument
  • Communications System
  • Data Acquisition System
  • Medical Instruments
  • Process Control


  • Application circuit is a two-channel, bank isolated, wide bandwidth data acquisition (DAQ) system, implemented with a simultaneous sampling architecture using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) per channel. The system achieves high channel density along with isolation between the bank and the digital backplane, all while delivering exceptional performance. The design also makes efficient use of isolation channels by configuring the ADCs in daisy-chain mode and utilizing an isolator product with a trimmed delay clock feature. Power generation is also simplified using an isolator with an integrated pulse width modulation (PWM) controller and transformer driver to perform dc-to-dc conversion across the isolation barrier


  • ADC Resolution
    16 Bit
  • ADC Number of Channels

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