Capacitive Touch Sense Controller Reference Design demonstrates Touch Sensing and Control using the iCE40 FPGA

Lattice Semiconductor の部品 iCE40LP1K-CM121 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Lattice Semiconductor
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Audio/video players
  • Computers and Peripherals
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Laptop
  • Smart Phone
  • Tablet


  • Capacitive sensing is a technology based on capacitive coupling, which takes human body capacitance as input. Capacitive touch sensors are used in many devices such as laptop trackpads, digital audio players, computer displays, mobile phones, mobile devices, tablets and more. Capacitive sensors are preferred for their versatility, reliability and robustness, unique human-device interface and cost reduction over mechanical switches. The Capacitive Touch Sense Controller reference design demonstrates touch sensing and control using the iCE40 FPGA. This design implements four touch sense buttons with outputs to LEDs. This reference design is implemented in Verilog. The Lattice iCEcube2 Place and Route tool integrated with the Simplify Pro synthesis tool is used for implementation of the design. The design can also be targeted to other iCE40 family members

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