NCP5603GEVB, High Efficiency Charge Pump Converter/White LED Driver Evaluation Board based on NCP5603

onsemi の部品 NCP5603MNR2G を使用したリファレンス デザイン


  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Backlighting
  • Flashlight


  • NCP5603GEVB, Evaluation Board describes a multi-functional system, capable of generating and controlling the power needed to utilized three features available in modern cellular phones. In addition to larger displays, with full color capability, flash and torch features have now been added to support the embedded camera and the night path finder. These features are made possible by using an ultra bright LED powered by standard battery cells. Since the LED have a forward drop voltage ranging from 3 V to 4.5 V, depending upon the forward current, a straightforward connection to a standard battery is not feasible as depicted Figure 2. A boost structure must be used to make the power supply voltage compatible with the LED


  • Input Voltage
    3 to 4.5 V
  • Number of Derived Elements

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