Arrow 2022年第4四半期トレンドレポート (出典: Arrow)
Arrow社の最新の業界動向レポートでは、メモリ チップの納期と価格が安定していることが示されています。
Arrow市場動向レポート2022年第3四半期の抜粋 (出典: Arrow)
TrendForceは、今年の業績が低迷している世界のDRAM市場は来年さらに不振となり、市場規模はわずか8.3% の成長にとどまり、史上初めて10% を下回ると予測していると指摘しています。DRAM市場の供給過剰は2023年も深刻であり、価格下落が続く可能性も十分にある。
過去2年間のチップ不足による出荷量の減少は今年後半には緩和されるだろう。市場でのグラフィックカードの供給は安定し、製品価格は2021年の同時期に比べて大幅に下落しました。Ge Force RTX30グラフィックカードシリーズの供給は徐々に正常化しています。AMDでは、第1四半期の平均月間減少率は約13%で、RX 6600グラフィックカードでも22%減少しました。
From the "overall chip shortage" two years ago to the "structural imbalance" today, it is clear that recent years do have witnessed some bubbles in the actual chip shortage, namely panic repeated ordering and blind chip hoarding when chips are in short supply.
Under the influence of these factors, will chip overcapacity happen after 2023?
This is also a frequently discussed topic in the industry.The risk of order cancellations for the “once sought-after” wafer foundries is increasing, and will last into 2023. Especially with the lengthening of the semiconductor delivery cycle and the explosive capacity growth of new wafer foundries, hidden concerns will not go out of sight in the next few years.
Demand for consumer applications is weak, but automotive-grade chips are in high demand
However, demand in some market segments remains strong, despite talks of “oversupply” and pessimistic sentiments about a weak consumer market.
Taking the MCU mentioned above as an example, not all MCU chips are undergoing a price “avalanche”.
This is closely related to changes in downstream demand.Compared with the sluggish demand in the consumer market, high-end application scenarios represented by automobiles and industrial control continue to enjoy rising demand in 2022. In particular, automotive MCU products are still booming.Automotive-grade MCUs are in high demand, and product prices are high.Some IDM manufacturers have even especially added production lines for automotive-grade chip manufacturing or packaging.
Why is demand for automotive MCU products not falling?
In the past decade, automotive MCUs accounted for about 40% of the gross MCU sales revenue.In 2021, automotive MCU sales surged 23%, reaching a record $7.6 billion.Structurally, more than three quarters or $5.83 billion of the sales revenue came from 32-bit MCUs, with 6-bit MCUs contributing $1.34 billion and 8-bit MCUs $441 million.
Automotive MCU Market Growth and Product & Market Structure in 2021 (Source: IC Insights)
High-end MCUs are the main product in the automotive market.Compared with the sharp decline in MCU prices in the consumer market, the demand for high-end application scenarios represented by automotive will continue to increase in 2022. The McClean report released by IC Insights points out that automotive MCUs will outgrow most other end markets this year.In the next five years, automotive MCU sales are expected to reach a CAGR of 7.7%.
Excerpt of Arrow Market Trends Report 3Q22 (Source: Arrow)
Arrow’s market trends report shows that MCU chip prices have begun to stabilize, while delivery cycles are still on an upward trend, which takes time to adjust.
It can be seen that the global MCU market already has a structural imbalance, while demand for consumer electronics market has also declined.However, some high-end MCUs are still in shortage, with automotive MCUs in greatest demand.DIGITIMES projects that automotive MCU supply will remain tight into the second half of 2023.
FPGA delivery cycles "hit the ceiling"
In addition, digital transformation is becoming a long-term demand driver in the industry, and demand for logic devices is growing.
WSTS predicts that chip demand will continue to maintain strong growth, with most major chip product categories demonstrating high year-on-year growth.Among them, logic chips are expected to increase by 20.8% and the logic chip market size will reach $200 billion in 2023, accounting for about 30% of the global semiconductor market.
As a main component of the logic chip, FPGA has a market trend is similar to that of MCUs.The head of an FPGA chip company said that they have felt the weak demand for consumer electronics, but demand in other fields is good, "With the improvement of 5G technology, the advancement of AI and the evolution of automotive automation, global demand for FPGA chips is visibly growing in the three major fields of automotive, data centers and industry."
According to Frost & Sullivan data, the global FPGA chip industry reached a size of $6.86 billion in 2021, with a year-on-year increase of 12.8%.With the deployment of new-generation communication equipment worldwide and the continuous growth of demand in AI, automatic driving technology and other emerging markets, the FPGA market is expected to continue to increase in size, likely to hit $12.58 billion in 2025.
Global FPGA Chip Market Size (Source: Frost & Sullivan)
As for the current FPGA market trends, Susquehanna Financial Group’s research data shows that the delivery time of FPGA products has reached the maximum within the 52-week limit, and may be the most constrained part of the ecosystem.
This can also be seen from Arrow's Market Trends Report, which reveals that the delivery cycle of FPGA products has reached 45-65 weeks, which is at a historical high.
Arrow Market Trends Report 3Q22 (Source: Arrow)
Some vendors say that if customers place an order to them today, they have to wait at least six months for delivery, and the delivery time of items in short supply is even longer.
Overall, the market is experiencing a certain recession, but the automotive segment is still growing.Moreover, the industrial control and automotive chip segments are not affected by the declining demand for consumer electronics.
MLCC boosts automotive applications
This trend is also fairly obvious in the MLCC field.There is also a pattern of sluggish demand for consumer electronics but strong demand for automotive chips in the MLCC market.
Currently, high inflation has led to high prices, which does not help to support demand in the peak season in the second half of the year.Among them, mobile phones, laptops, tablets, TV sets and other consumer goods can have significant impacts, causing the demand for consumer-spec MLCCs to fall and keeping market inventory rising.TrendForce predicts that the average inventory level of all product sizes will surpass 90 days and the average price of consumer-spec MLCCs may fall 3%-6% in the second half of the year.
However, demand will remain robust for automotive items, HPC (including servers), network communication equipment, industrial automation, energy storage system equipment, etc. In addition, as the demand for consumer products slows down in the second half of the year, it will drive semiconductor IDM manufacturers to gradually transfer their production capacities, which is expected to ease the IC shortage and support customers to increase orders for automotive items, industrial control and high-end MLCCs.
Comparison of Total Quarterly Shipments between TOP10 MLCC Suppliers in 2021 and 2022 (Unit: billion pieces)
In past MLCC supply and demand cycles, the reflection point of supply and demand often comes after the continuous rise of both output and price, or after the fall of both output and price.TrendForce predicts that strong demand for automotive items, servers and network communication products will drive overall MLCC shipment to reach 2,580 billion pieces in the second half of the year, an increase of 2% over the same period of last year.
In the second half of 2022, the pressure on consumer-spec MLCC quotations will remain unabated, with a continuous decline expected.However, the price picture looks completely different for automotive and industrial MLCCs.As the chip shortage eases at the customer end, these niche products are expected to drive shipments.
Excerpt of Arrow Market Trends Report 3Q22 (Source: Arrow)
Judging from the trend of passive devices, the overall MLCC market is now on course for rising prices and longer delivery time.
With a combined share of almost 80% in the automotive MLCC market, Murata and TDK have continued to expand their automotive MLCC production capacities.Besides, Samsung has also passed carmaker verifications this year.From the third quarter of this year, it will gradually increase the production capacity of its Tianjin plant.YAGEO’s Dafa plant in Kaohsiung is expected to start production line verification in the fourth quarter.It will mainly expand the production of industrial high-voltage products and large-sized automotive-use 0805 and 1210 MLCCs under 22 uF, with mass production expected to start by the end of the first quarter of 2023. The initial monthly production capacity will be around 8-10 billion pieces.
It can be seen that fighting the industrial headwind, MLCC suppliers have set their sight on the electric vehicle and energy storage fast charging markets, and continued to expand capacities in the non-consumer product application field, so as to cope with a new wave of market changes.
What role do distributors play in dynamic market adjustment?
To sum up the current situation and trends of multiple chip product categories described above, the semiconductor market has shown a pattern of “polarization”, with the demand for consumer electronics remaining weak and relevant chip product prices going down.By comparison, the demand for automotive products continues to boom, and automotive-grade chips are still in short supply.
The reason mainly lies in industrial structural changes arising from the tight chip supply earlier.All manufacturers have maintained high inventory levels, but the high inflation caused by a combination of a series of factors like the Covid-19 pandemic, trade spats and the Russia-Ukraine war has dented the purchasing power of consumers worldwide.At present, manufacturers have to lower prices to boost sales and maintain cash flows.
今年後半も需要の調整が続く中、車載品、サーバー、産業用制御アプリケーション シナリオからの市場需要は、ドライバーICとコンシューマー チップの注文キャンセルによって生じたギャップを完全に埋め合わせることはほとんど不可能です。半導体業界がすぐに不況に陥ることはないかもしれないが、成長の鈍化には注意が必要だ。
2023年を見据えて、トレンドフォースは、2年半のチップ不足の後、かつてはウェハ不足だった市場は、消費者向け製品の冷え込みによりウェハファウンドリが生産能力の利用率を刷新するための短い猶予を得ることで、リソースの再配分が可能になると予測している。これにより、90% を超える稼働率を継続的に維持できるようになります。しかし、主に民生用製品を生産するメーカーの中には、稼働率が90%を下回るところもあります。そのため、世界的な高インフレによる部品在庫調整の現在の危機を乗り切るには、ウェハファウンドリが製品アプリケーションのレイアウトとリソースの割り当てを多様化することが必須となっています。
業界をリードする電子製品および関連サービスプロバイダーとして、Arrow Electronicsは豊富な上流リソース、保証された製品品質、十分な在庫を誇っています。現在の不安定な市場と供給状況において、Arrow Electronics Mallは、強力な材料備蓄と供給能力により、お客様が世界のチップサプライチェーンの混乱を安全に乗り越えられるよう、より一層サポートすることができます。
同時に、調達担当者は、Arrow Electronics Mall (www.arrow.cn)で該当製品の価格、在庫、納期などの情報をいつでも確認し、その情報を参考にして市場を把握し、発注することで、調達コストを削減することができます。