Solutions for space-based applications from Microchip

Considering consumer, business and military demand for faster communications and more exploration, it’s no surprise that space-based technologies are chosen increasingly more often. However, operating in space requires proven solutions and expert knowledge. Read this article and learn more about Microchip’s deep selection of components and solutions for applications in space.

60 years of flight heritage

The Microchip portfolio represents more than 60 years of flight heritage. As a matter of fact, these product lines have been embedded in over 90 space missions.

Scalable products

Microchip offers one of the industry's most comprehensive product portfolios for space applications, which includes radiation-hardened and radiation-tolerant products.

A unique, scalable approach allows for coverage of a wide range of quality levels with the same product. You can upgrade from COTS to QML of sub-screen from QML to high-reliability plastic.

Comprehensive solutions for space applications

Microchip offers a suite of use cases, evaluation cards, software IP and IDEs to accelerate your motor control, in-flight reprogramming and telemetry control designs. Explore products for:

  • Small satellites & new space
  • Moon + mars exploration
  • Satellite platforms + buses
  • Satellite payloads

Solutions for new space

The accelerating deployment of large constellations of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, CubeSats and nanosats is transforming how the space industry looks at its supply chain and component reliability requirements.

Nominated as a market leader for space applications, Microchip has more than 60 years of flight heritage, strong radiation expertise and a recognized, qualified portfolio. A wide range of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) solutions that target the industrial and automotive markets is also offered.

Microchip’s New Space offering consists of sub-QML devices and high-volume COTS products that are continuously being upgraded.

From QML to sub-QML

For New Space’s low- to mid-volume constellations with stringent cost and schedule requirements, sub-QML versions are the optimal solutions that combine the radiation tolerance of QML components with Microchip’s space flight heritage to enable lower screening requirements for lower cost and shorter lead times.

From COTS to space qualified

Taking advantage of the large ecosystem and performance of COTS AVR® microcontrollers (MCUs) and Arm® core-based MCUs, Microchip offers scalable solutions that start from COTS to space-qualified, radiation-tolerant and radiation-hardened versions.

VSC8574RT Gigabit Ethernet PHY

Microchip’s COTS-based Gigabit Ethernet PHY devices now include the VSC8574RT, VSC8541RT and VSC8540RT. The VSC8574RT is a radiation-tolerant, low-power, quad-port Gigabit Ethernet transceiver with four SerDes interfaces for quad-port dual media capability. The VSC8574RT PHY supports both copper and fiber interfaces for added flexibility in space applications.

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