3M™ Launches Petrifilm™ Aerobic Count Plate

These rapid aerobic count plates offer a step forward in ensuring the quality and safety of food manufacturers’ products

3M’s Petrifilm Aerobic Count Plate is the “go-to” indicator test for measuring the microorganism levels in food and food production areas, helping companies to ensure quality and reduce food spoilage, while at the same time getting the kinds of fast, accurate counts that are critical for making time-sensitive decisions about quality control and corrective action.

Spoiled food can be indicated by aerobic count bacteria in raw food materials, products and manufacturing environments. 3M Petrifilm Rapid Aerobic Count Plates handle this process quickly and accurately.

3M Petrifilm Rapid Aerobic Count Plates are as reliable as the Standard Method Agar (SMA) plate method. The product helps users of agar avoid retesting and delays caused by trying to interpret spreader colonies issues. 

3M Petrifilm Rapid Aerobic Count Plates feature nutrients, along with a cold water-soluble gelling agent. Indicator technology enables the counting of colonies in 24 hours for most types of food (excluding dairy powders). Faster results and less labor mean those in the food service industry have more time to monitor processes, ensuring tighter process control and a higher quality product. The 3M Petrifilm Rapid Aerobic Count Plates also give food service industry professionals the confidence that comes with knowing they’re doing everything possible to protect their customers and reputations.

The 3M Petrifilm Aerobic Count Plates enumerate total aerobic bacteria present in the sample. They can also be used for counting anaerobic bacteria both for processed meats and foods that are highly acidic. 

Only three steps are required for fast and accurate testing using the 3M Petrifilm Aerobic Count Plates. First, inoculate the plate with one mL of sample and apply the spreader. Then incubate at the appropriate temperature (32° C or 35° C). Following an incubation period, 

After incubation, colonies can be readily identified, sometimes as splotches or spots surrounded by bubbles. This differs depending on the type of microorganism. 

The last step is simply to count the colonies—an indicator dye in the plate colors all colonies and makes counting simple. And an added foam barrier around the inoculation area makes inoculating the plates even easier. This allows for a broad range of food performance and the testing of all foods.

3M’s Petrifilm Rapid Aerobic Count Plates offer proven reliability versus other SMA agar methods. Further, the product can be used for air, swab or surface contact environmental sampling, while eliminating the need for labor-intensive media preparation.

3M Launches Petrifilm Aerobic Count Plate

Image Source: 3M

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