Robotic Accessories for Your Raspberry Pi 3

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A tiny computer with a quad core processor and exposed GPIO like the Raspberry Pi 3 is the perfect base for a multitude of robotics projects. Whether your goal is to automatically open your curtains at sunrise or build a friendly robotic assistant, we have the hardware to get you started.

Hardware for a Robotics Project


16 Channel PWM Servo Hat

Controlling a servo from the GPIO seems simple enough, but it requires very precise pulses that can be challenging for the Raspberry Pi.  Even if you are willing to work through the hassle in Linux, projects rarely involve just one motor, and GPIO pins are likely to be a hot commodity.  Solve both problems at once with the 16-Channel PWM/Servo Hat from Adafruit Industries.  This hat communicates with the Pi using I2C, requiring only 2 pins to drive up to 16 servos or PWM outputs to other devices like LED drivers.  These hats are even stackable, so you could theoretically stack 62 of them to use all available GPIO and drive 992 servos!  If this sounds like your project, can we interest you in a colossal power supply

150W 5V Power Supply

You may not need to be controlling nearly 1000 motors to find yourself requiring more power than you can pull from a standard wall adapter.  Products like the Raspberry Pi itself, most small motors, and individually addressable LEDs all run at 5V.  We have AC to DC supplies that can provide many different outputs, but this one will deliver up to 26A at 5V, which should suffice for just about any hobbyist project. 

180 Degree Micro Servo Motors

These little motors are not as strong as standard servos, but they are surprisingly robust and responsive for their price and size.  They come with a handful of horns and can be mounted to your project using small bolts or screws in the holes near the shaft.  They rotate 90 degrees in each direction and can exert 1.6 kg-cm of torque at a speed of 0.12 seconds/60 degrees from a 3V to 6V DC supply.   Once you get one motor moving we guarantee you will find at least three more ways to use them, so we recommend getting four.

Raspberry Pi Power Supply

Power your Pi anywhere in the world with this universal plug-in adapter from the Raspberry Pi Foundation.  It delivers 5V at up to 2.5A through a microUSB connector. 

Complete Case

No matter what sort of project you are doing with your Raspberry Pi, you should always protect it with an appropriate case.  This crisp white and red case is made by the Raspberry Pi Foundation itself and will fit your Pi3 while allowing access to all important ports. 


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