5 Reasons to Rethink Your Tooling

Explore Molex’s 5 key reasons for always using the recommended application tooling.

Achieving a reliable and secure connection is vital, and it requires an investment of time and resources to select the right components for the job. Using incorrect tooling can be a very costly mistakenot just financially, but also with respect to wasting materials and earning a diminished reputation if your end product does not meet the specified requirements.

Here are the top five reasons why you should always use the recommended tooling for your crimping needs:

Safety: A UL specification signifies the safety, security and reliability of an end product; however, using the manufacturer-recommended tool and crimp terminal is often mandatory to comply with UL requirements. Using a generic tool could invalidate the UL specification of the end product.

Reliability: Optimal performance data provided by the component manufacturer is based on the use of the correct tooling; therefore, such specifications may not be achieved without the correct tooling. To ensure reliability, you should always use the specified tool.

Wasted Resources: Using the wrong tooling can result in multiple failed terminations, which leads to waste as well as unreliable results, compromising your operations and preventing them from running smoothly.

Warranty Invalidation: Warranties and assurances of performance often rely on the use of recommended tooling, and failure to do so will compromise any existing warranties.

Peace of Mind: Using specified manufacturer-recommended tooling can mean access to unmatched customer service and support to deliver the highest quality result as well as the peace of mind that you have not compromised on the quality of the end product.

To help protect your tooling investment, Molex offers documentation, training resources and unrivalled customer service.

In addition, Molex has partnered with the Arrow Test Drive program to provide an opportunity to try Molex tools for free — before you commit to making your purchase.



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