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Power and motor control solutions for autonomous mobile robots
Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) have brought numerous advantages to various fields and industries, including improved safety and efficiency. However, to enable AMRs to work safely and independently, these complex systems require careful integration of multiple technologies, with power and motion control being two crucial components. This article will provide you with design considerations for AMRs and the corresponding solutions offered by onsemi.
Mejores sistemas de almacenamiento de energía con soluciones de SiC de onsemi
El sistema de almacenamiento de energía (ESS, por sus siglas en inglés) es una parte crucial en el camino hacia cero emisiones netas porque permite que las personas almacenen y controlen la energía renovable, como la solar y la eólica, que es dinámica e inestable. Un sistema bien establecido de almacenamiento de energía puede almacenar/aportar energía para un uso posterior, lo cual reduce el costo de la electricidad/la presión durante las horas valle/pico de consumo eléctrico.
An integrated smart lighting and connectivity solution
In smart building applications, lighting is a fundamental feature of the infrastructure. In addition to energy-saving and efficiency goals achieved through smart lighting control, Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology enables indoor positioning and data transmission, offering an integrated solution for smart lighting and connectivity. This article will introduce the development of VLC technology and the related solutions provided by onsemi.
Avances en la carga rápida de VE de CC de onsemi
Descubra los más recientes avances en las tecnologías de carga rápida de VE de CC, lo que incluye niveles de potencia más altos, módulos de potencia basados en SiC y módulos integrados de potencia optimizados (PIM, por sus siglas en inglés). Explore diferentes topologías para las etapas PFC y CC a CC, así como protocolos de comunicación alámbricos e inalámbricos. Adicionalmente, aprenda sobre la integración con sistemas de almacenamiento de energía y el potencial de la generación de energía solar en las estaciones de carga.
Brushless motor drivers that empower robots
Robots must be equipped with multiple motors in order to move the robot body or the robot's arms and limbs, with brushless DC (BLDC) motors as the mainstay. In order to drive brushless motors efficiently, appropriate brushless motor drivers must be selected. This paper introduces the characteristics and selection points of brushless motors and drivers, as well as the product characteristics of brushless motor drivers launched by onsemi.
Totem pole power factor correction technology improves power conversion efficiency and power density
At present, most electrical appliances on the market need AC-DC power conversion. If the AC-DC power conversion efficiency can be improved, it will help reduce household power consumption and business operation costs, and also help to improve the operating efficiency of applications such as energy storage system and battery charging. This article will show you the characteristics of power factor correction technology, as well as the product characteristics and advantages of NCP1681 PFC controller introduced by onsemi.
Bluetooth has become the standard wireless interface for portable devices
Bluetooth technology has become an indispensable part of modern life, which provides convenient wireless connections for many devices, making it easier for people to use all kinds of smart devices. From connecting headphones to smart home devices, Bluetooth technology has become a common wireless interface in people's lives. This article will show you the development and trends of Bluetooth technology, and product characteristics of the car gauge system-on-a-chip certified by Bluetooth 5.2, which was introduced by onsemi.