New Members of the Artesyn ADO300 Brick DC to DC Converter Series

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New from Artesyn Embedded Technologies come two additions to their ADO300 eighth-brick DC to DC converter series: ADO300-48S3V3 and ADO300-48S05. The new Artesyn products are designed to provide ultra-high efficiency for data and telecom applications. Capable of supplying up to 300 W, the 3.8 mm pin converters have a maximum output of 60 A over a 36 to 75 VDC input range.


ADO300-48S3V3 offers 93% efficiency with a 3.3 VDC output set point, and features four options to best suit your data/telecom system. The ADO300-48S3V3-6L sports negative remote control and its counterpart, the ADO300-48S3V3-6LI also has a PMBus interface. The ADO300-48S3V3B-6L sports negative remote control with a baseplate, and its counterpart, the ADO300-48S3V3B-6LI also has a PMBus interface.

ADO300-48S05 offers 94.6% efficiency with a 5.0 VDC output set point, and features five options to best suit your data/telecom system. The ADO300-48S05-6L sports negative remote control and its counterpart, the ADO300-48S05-6LI also has a PMBus interface. The ADO300-48S05B-6L sports positive remote control with a baseplate, and its counterpart, the ADO300-48S05B-6LI also has a PMBus interface. The ADO300-48S05PB-6L is a positive remote controller with a baseplate.

To control and convert DC power in your data/telecom system, try the new members of Artesyn’s ADO300 series.

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