OPTIGA™ Authenticate S: Enhanced device authentication to protect against counterfeits

Consumer devices, home appliances and industrial machines are constantly exposed to the risk of counterfeit spares and accessories. Fakes can compromise functionality, user safety and – as a result – brand value. Establishing product authenticity across the supply chain and at the point of use can be challenging. OPTIGA™ Authenticate S can solve this issue.

It is a fully fledged, turnkey hardware-based security solution for any device authentication challenge. It gives each product a secret key and verifies the authenticity of electronics and replacements parts to protect Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and their customers from counterfeits. This anti-counterfeit solution offers unprecedented levels of configuration flexibility and a range of hardened security features.

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A counterfeit battery may compromise the safety of the robot. With OPTIGA™ Authenticate S, it is possible to check whether replacement parts like batteries are genuine.

Rich set of customization options

OPTIGA™ Authenticate S offers four authentication modes, four separate lifecycle counters, three temperature ranges, three sets of memory and two communication profiles, making it easy to find the right fit for your requirements. With 16 customization options in total, our solution suits an extensive range of applications, from batteries and disposables to home appliances and consumer electronics.

Effortless implementation

OPTIGA™ Authenticate S is a turnkey solution that offers full system integration support including embedded software and host software, as well as an intuitive visualization kit (VizKit) for easy assessment and an evaluation kit with full support documentation, both based on PSoC™ 6 for better speed and performance. All keys are pre-loaded, which further simplifies the implementation process.

Freedom to design

With a package of only 1.5 x 1.5 mm, OPTIGA™ Authenticate S is optimized even for the smallest of devices and disposables, eliminating the need to impose size restrictions during product design.

Security to rely on

OPTIGA™ Authenticate S offers enhanced hardware security with an extended key length, asymmetric cryptography with a secured unique identity for each chip, and protection against reverse engineering. All key and certificate provisioning is carried out at Infineon’s CC-certified environment.

Test and deep dive into the device authentication and anti-counterfeit capabilities of OPTIGA™
Authenticate S with Infineon´s OPTIGA Authenticate S evaluation and development boards


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