Magnetic position sensing in brushless DC electric motors

It’s no secret that brushless DC motors (BLDC) are one of the major trends in locomotion technology today. In this article, find out how to regulate their commutation using Hall-effect sensor ICs from Honeywell.

BLDC motor technology utilizing Hall-effect sensor ICs provides a reliable and cost-effective alternative to conventional DC motor commutation. Low Gauss levels allow for lower-cost magnetics to be integrated into the design. Because the Hall-effect ICs have no moving parts, they’re also significantly more reliable than their predecessors.

Theory of Operations
BLDC motors are built differently than conventional motors, with a permanent magnet being the rotational member surrounded by armature windings. The brushes are replaced by position sensors and electronic switches in a BLDC motor. Instead of brushes commuting the armature current interaction, as in older designs - in BLDC motors, a Hall-effect sensor IC detects the position of the rotating magnet and provides current flux through logic and circuitry.

Types of Hall-Effect ICs Available
Honeywell offers a robust assortment of different Hall-Effect sensors, making it easy to select the right one for your design.

  • •  Latching Hall-effect sensors
  • •  SOT-23 surface mount
  • •  TO-92 through-hole
  • •  High-Sensitivity Latching Hall-effect sensors
  • •  SOT-23 surface mount
  • •  TO-92 through-hole
  • •  AEC-Q100 qualified for use in automotive applications

  • Features and Benefits
  • •  Subminiature package size allows for compact designs
  • •  Low voltage operation down to 2.7V
  • •  Built-in pull-up resistor for better interfacing
  • •  Built-in reverse voltage protection
  • •  Tough design with a temp range up to 150 °C [302 °F]
  • •  High sensitivity - as low as 30 Gauss
  • •  Cost-effective


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Honeywell Sensor de efecto Hall Ver

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Honeywell Sensor de efecto Hall Ver

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Honeywell Sensor de efecto Hall Ver

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Honeywell Sensor de efecto Hall Ver

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Honeywell Sensor de efecto Hall Ver

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