New and Advanced Motor Control Designs for Pumps and Fans

Smart microelectronics from Infineon help meet thermal management challenges and increase the efficiency of cooling and HVAC systems.

Modern vehicles increasingly rely on microelectronic components. This applies in particular to powertrain applications like electric pumps, including fuel, oil and water pumps, and fans such as HVAC blower, engine cooling and battery cooling fans. 

Due to their proximity to the engine, motor control solutions for automotive pumps and fans must be extremely robust and able to withstand high temperatures. Additionally, car manufacturers are challenged to accommodate a rising number of auxiliary pumps in a limited space.
Infineon is a one-stop shop for automotive motor control solutions, offering the market’s broadest portfolio of Motor Control ICs including highly integrated solutions such as the established Embedded Power ICs (System-on-Chip) or the brand-new Motor System ICs TLE956x. 


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Infineon’s breakthrough Motor System ICs (TLE956x) offer a completely new level of integration
The TLE956x Motor System ICs for controlling brushed and brushless DC motors are the world’s first multiple half-bridge drivers for MOSFETs with integrated power supply and communication interfaces.
Development samples for the first devices are available. Series production is scheduled to start in fall of 2020. Please contact your Arrow Electronics account manager for more information.

Exclusive opportunity to win an evaluation package
Do you want to be among the first to get started with Infineon’s new Motor System IC?
With Arrow Electronics, you have a unique opportunity to win an evaluation package of the BLDC Motor Control Shield and Eval. Board with TLE9563-3QX.


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TLE5501 E0001






Related Tables/Graphs

0720 Embedded Power IC

0720 Motor System IC


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