Panasonic HE-Y7 Power Relay – The Multi-Purpose Solution Suitable for Every High Power Application

The HE-Y7 relay is designed to combine the requirements of different markets in one switching solution. With small dimensions, it has been possible to efficiently switch loads up to 120A.

The printed HE-Y7 is able to handle loads up to 120 A/277V AC in ambient temperatures up to 85 °C. Panasonic managed to successfully integrate the 1 Form A contact into the extremely small dimensions of 40 50x43 mm (L W H). The new relay is designed to meet the combined requirements of different markets in one switching solution.  

A galvanic separation of min. 3.6 mm guarantees high insulation resistance. Furthermore, the high dielectric strength protects against surge voltages. This fact, combined with rapid opening of the contacts, makes it possible to reliably handle high DC loads. At the same time, a mechanical life of min. 1 million operations assures a problem-free service life, while the low contact resistance (in the range of some mΩ) ensures extremely low power dissipation. The reduced operating power helps with energy savings and energy consumption. A further highlight of the new design is the parallel arrangement of the coil and load terminals. This simplifies the process of connecting current paths on the circuit board, and high isolation-distance requirements can be met without extra effort. The HE-Y7 relay, offered in a variety of DC coil voltages and certified by the UL & VDE, can thus be used to control many applications – at an optimized price/performance ratio.

Using the Panasonic HE-Y7 relay allows the customer to utilize the switching of a high power load on the PCB. It also helps save costs with regard to other electrically-controlled switches and associated expenses. In most cases, the control cabinet is no longer necessary. The advantages are obvious: no wiring, reduced installation expenses, small size, reduced thermal losses, flexibility, and one single working point: the Printed Circuit Board.

In many application areas, such as frequency inverters, solar inverters, and battery chargers, the switching function has already advanced to the next level. Switching very high loads on the PCB with the HE-Y7 relay has become easier than ever before. The new Panasonic relay can be ordered from July 2018 onward.


Features & Benefits
-- 1 Form A contact
-- High switching capacity: 120 A/277V AC
-- Compact size: 40x50x43 mm (L W H)
-- Min. 3.6 mm contact gap for reliable isolation
-- Handles high DC loads
-- Simplified current path guiding on the circuit board
-- Optimized price/performance ratio

-- UPS/battery charger
-- Elevator/escalator
-- Photovoltaic
-- Driver
-- Water heating applications




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