Radar Solutions

Arrow and its third party partners offer 24GHz industrial radar solutions based on Infineon’s XENSIV(TM) BGT24M/L radar transceiver family for movement, velocity, direction, distance and angle detection; from simple sensor applications to more complex, high-end solutions. Arrow and its third party partners support customers’ radar sensing based developments and projects from brainstorming to manufacturing including the electrical and mechanical design and simulations to find the best-fit solutions. Arrow and its third party partners strive for a win-win situation in collaboration with their existing and future customers by forming valuable partnerships with them.


Figure 1 - Arrow radar concept

Custom Solutions: 

In collaboration with third party companies, Arrow supports customers’ unique, application-tailored projects in different technical levels including hardware, software & firmware developments, simulations and mechanical designs.

Main partners:
EMEA: GreenWaves Srl. – Italy
US: Colorado Engineering, Inc. (CEI) USA / CO.
US: D3 Engineering
US: Laird
APAC: Lexiwave
APAC: Sensortech
APAC: King City
APAC: Entros

To learn more about custom solutions please reach out to 24GhzRadarDesignSupport@Arrow.com

Radar modules:

Arrow and RFbeam offer a wide range of low-cost, low-power, ready-to-use 24 GHz radar modules with outstanding features for industrial and commercial use in order to shorten time-to-market period and eliminate the difficulties of RF circuit design.

24GHz radar technology and module features can be widely adopted in several applications.

Demo Applications:

Arrow Engineering Support Center and its partners prepare demo applications based on radar-sensing to present radar capabilities and features that help customers finding their best solution.

1. Street lighting demo 1. – GreenWaves Srl.


Figure 2 - Street lighting demo 1. –GreenWaves Srl.

Main features which are considered in the context of Radar Street Lamp Demo.




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