Very low power application processor module for Bluetooth® low energy v5.2

Explore the features and benefits BlueNRG-M2, STMicroelectronics’ ultra-low power programmable Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless SoC solution.

The BlueNRG-M2 is a Bluetooth® low energy system-on-chip application processor certified module, compliant with BT specifications v5.2 and BQE qualified. This module supports multiple roles simultaneously and can act at the same time as Bluetooth master and slave device. The BlueNRG-M2 includes the BlueNRG-2 system-on-chip, entire Bluetooth low energy stack and protocols embedded into module. This provides a complete RF platform in a tiny form factor. Radio, embedded antenna and high frequency oscillators are integrated to offer a certified solution to optimize the time-to-market of the final applications. The BlueNRG-M2 can be powered directly with a pair of AAA batteries or any power source from 1.7 to 3.6 V.

The main Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 specifications:

Bluetooth v5.2 certified
Down to -88 dBm Rx sensitivity
Supports master and slave modes
Up to 96 dB link budget with excellent link reliability
Multiple roles supported simultaneously
Up to +8 dBm available output power
LE data packet length extension
1 x UART, 1 x I2C, 1xSPI, 14 x GPIO, 2 x multifunction timer, 10-bit ADC, watchdog and RTC, DMA controller, PDM stream processor, SWD debug interface
Embedded ST BlueNRG-2 BLE SoC
On-board chip antenna (BLUENRG-M2SA) or PCB antenna (BLUENRG-M2SP)
High performance, ultra-low power Cortex-M0 32-bit based core

Programmable embedded 256 kB Flash
Small form factor: 11.5 mm x13.5 mm
24 kB embedded RAM with data retention
Complemented with Bluetooth low energy protocol stack library (GAP, GATT,SM, L2CAP, LL)
Embedded BALF-NRG-02D3 integrated matched balun with harmonic filter interfaces AES security co-processor
Bluetooth low energy SDK with a wide range of available profiles
FCC, IC modular approval certified
CE qualified
TYPE qualified
BQE qualified
WPC certification
SRRC certification (BlueNRG-M2SA)
Pre-programmed UART bootloader
Operating supply voltage: from 1.7 to 3.6 V
Operating temperature range: -40 °C to 85 °C

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