Considering relays? Toshiba can help with its growing range of Photorelay.

Looking for relays? Looking for quieter, faster, lower power and, long lasting alternatives to mechanical relays?

What is a photorelay?

The photorelay is equipped with infrared LEDs on the input side and Photo Diode Array (the "PDA") and MOSFETs on the output side. The input and output sides are electrically isolated with resin.

The diagram below shows an example of the internal structure of the 2.54-SOP4 package, which is one of the packages containing a photorelay. The LED on the input side and the PDA on the output side is placed as face-to-face, and is insulated with silicone resin.

How does it work?

The photorelay is operated by applying current to the LED on the input side. Then the PDA on the output side receives infrared light from the LED and generates electromotive force. This electromotive force drives each MOSFET gate and thus turns on the MOSFETs.

Is the Photorelay suitable for my application?

Click here for Toshiba Applications Note

For more information on Photorelays

Some of the latest product releases can be seen here, available to buy now

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