Sony SUB-LVDS to Parallel Bridge Reference Design

Lattice Semiconductor の部品 IMX136L を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Lattice Semiconductor
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Communications and Telecom
  • IoT Applications
  • Sensor and Transducer


  • Sony SUB-LVDS to Parallel Bridge Reference Design. Numerous Sony image sensors that have resolutions higher than 720p60 are no longer able to use a traditional CMOS parallel interface. With the introduction of the IMX172 (4k x 2k resolution), IMX136 (1080p), IMX104 (720p) and the mature IMX036, Sony has moved to utilizing different sub-LVDS interfaces. To support the higher bandwidth needs of the IMX172, IMX136 and IMX104, Sony utilizes a serial sub-LVDS interface. This allows their image sensor to support higher resolutions/frame rates. These image sensors support multiple sub-LVDS output data lanes. Sony's serial interface is the preferred implementation for bridging their sensors as many of their future sensors will also offer this serial interface. The Lattice MachXO2-1200 can interface to the Sony sensor and support up to 750Mbps serial data rate on each data lane. The Lattice Sony sub-LVDS to Parallel CMOS sensor bridge design makes an ISP think it is connected to an image sensor with a CMOS interface

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