TMR sensors: Improve function with smaller parts

2021年11月1日 マウリツィオ・ディ・パオロ・エミリオ


現在、磁場を比例電圧に変換できる技術がいくつかあります。磁気センサー 磁気エンコーダ、電子コンパス、絶対角度センサー、シンプルなオン/オフスイッチ、電流検知など、さまざまな分野のさまざまなアプリケーションで使用されてきました。

ホール効果1879年にエドウィン ホールによって初めて発見されて以来、固体磁気センサーの構築に長年広く使用されてきました。しかし、いくつかの限界に達しており、システム設計者は、低消費電力、高感度、高精度、手頃なコストなどの目標要件を達成できる新しいテクノロジーの開発を余儀なくされています。

これらの要件を満たすことができる新しいテクノロジーは、磁気抵抗 (MR) 効果に基づいています。磁気抵抗効果とは、磁場下で材料 (鉄、ニッケル、コバルトなど) の電気的値が変化する特性です。物質の磁化を変えると、その内部での電子の移動方法が変わり、デバイスの電気抵抗が変化します。MR効果は、磁性体の内部がどのように磁化されているかによって異なる特徴を持ちます。

MRから派生した新しい技術が、1990年代に宮崎照信教授によって発見されたトンネル磁気抵抗(TMR)効果です。図に示すように 図1 TMRセンサー素子は、2つの強磁性層の間に挟まれた、極めて薄いナノメートルレベルの非磁性絶縁層で構成されています。電子は絶縁層を通過して、ある強磁性層から別の強磁性層へと移動します。これは量子力学が実際に機能している例です。2つの強磁性体の磁化方向が平行の場合、抵抗は減少しますが、反平行の場合、抵抗は増加します。

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Figure 1: A TMR junction composed of two ferromagnets and a tunnel layer (Source: Crocus Technology)

Crocus XtremeSense TMR technology

Crocus Technology offers a wide selection of magnetic sensors based on its patented XtremeSense TMR technology in industrial and consumer electronics applications.XtremeSense TMR technology is at the core of the Crocus magnetic sensor family, which includes integrated magnetic switches and current sensors.

According to Crocus, the main advantages offered by XtremeSense TMR technology are:

  • High SNR (5-mA resolution in current sensors)
  • Low power consumption (110 nA in switches)
  • Temperature stability (less than 40ppm/°C)

“The demand for current sensing continues to increase, especially for architectures that need to run faster, be more accurate, and have less latency — that’s where we really see the introduction of Crocus devices,” said Tim Kaske, vice president of sales and marketing at Crocus Technology.

TMR offers several characteristics that allow for its use as a current sensor.Due to the TMR effect, a TMR sensor’s resistance changes according to the external magnetic field.When combined with state-of-the-art CMOS circuitry, TMR-based sensors can be used as high-SNR sensors with excellent linearity and thermal performance.These characteristics of the TMR sensors allow for its use as a contact or contactless current sensor.

TMR sensor applications

A key TMR sensor application that needs accurate and reliable current-sensing solutions is power-factor correction (PFC), a circuit that has become mandatory in many power applications (such as power supplies) to increase the efficiency and, for the same reason, is required by international regulations, such as EN61000-3-2 in Europe.A power supply including a PFC stage can supply higher output load currents than those without power-factor correction.PFC can significantly reduce the AC current harmonics, leaving almost only the “fundamental” current frequency, which is in-phase with the voltage waveform.

“We really see how one of the key focus [TMR sensor] applications that we are moving into is the CCM totem-pole PFC with GaN MOSFETs,” said Kaske.“I would say the PFC stage has not had a lot of updates in the last 10 years, but now, with the totem-pole architecture and new controllers able to support it, new opportunities are opening, such as EV on-board and off-board chargers, computing, and data centers.”

Standard current-sensing solutions, such as those based on shunt resistors, amplifiers, and digital isolators, are showing several limitations that can be overcome by using TMR current sensors, shrinking the footprint on the PCB by 2× to 5×.

“Other engineers, who have been using a Hall-based sensor for current sensing, are now seeing that we can offer a significant advantage for their system on accuracy, bandwidth, latency, and overall efficiency,” said Kaske.

The block diagram of a typical active PFC is shown in Figure 2.The diode bridge converts the input AC voltage into a DC voltage, while the PFC stage is inserted between the line and the main converter.It acts as a pre-converter (normally a boost converter), drawing a sinusoidal current from the mains and providing in output a DC voltage.

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Figure 2: Diagram of a typical active PFC stage (Source: Crocus Technology)

The CCM totem-pole PFC, shown in Figure 3, uses two GaN MOSFETs, S1 and S2, configured as a high-frequency half-bridge.S3 and S4 are line-frequency–led with synchronous MOSFETs.The main benefits arising from the adoption of this solution are high efficiency, low power losses, and reduced number of components.The higher-frequency soft-switching solutions require a current sensor that can detect fast transients to prevent potential cascading failures.This circuit uses just one bidirectional current sensor (iL) for sensing current on positive half-cycle and negative half-cycle.

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Figure 3: CCM totem-pole PFC (Source: Crocus Technology)

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Figure 4: TMR sensor vs. Hall-based sensor (Source: Crocus Technology)

According to Crocus, an XtremeSense TMR sensor is the ideal solution for this application, as it provides:

  • High SNR and clean signal to the controller
  • Low power loss through the current-carrying conductor
  • 1-MHz bandwidth with low phase delay and fast output response time (300 ns) for measurements
  • Programmable overcurrent detection and fault pin to provide current information to the MCU
  • Measure of both positive and negative current with bidirectional sensing
  • High-voltage isolation (5 kV) to ensure safety

“Another market where we see great opportunities is solar power, a sector where current transformers, providing high safety and good isolation, are widely used,” said Kaske.“We think it’s a market where we can compete with contactless current sensors, offering the same or better isolation and higher accuracy.”

Browse a wide assortment of current sensors, hall effect sensors, current transformers and more from top manufacturers at



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