Accelerating Implementation of Low-Power Artificial Intelligence at the Edge

Quickly Implement Ultra-Low Power AI in Your System

The emergence of smart factories, cities, homes and mobile are driving shifts in new applications that require increased intelligence at the network’s edge. Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning silicon solutions are essential to meeting the requirements for this new generation of AI-based edge computing applications.


Designers building computing solutions on the edge are challenged to meet new requirements for flexibility, low power, small form factor and low cost, without compromising performance and in competitive market where development times are shrinking.

Systems that integrate low power inferencing close to the source of IoT data utilizing lower density FPGAs optimized for low power operation, can meet the stringent size, performance and power limitations imposed on the network edge with a time to market advantage.


The new Lattice sensAI™ stack, a comprehensive developmental ecosystem, simplifies the task of building flexible inferencing solutions optimized for the edge. With variety of IP, tools, reference designs, and design expertise developers can utilize the ecosystem to get to market quickly with innovative solutions.



Download the Lattice White Paper “Accelerating Implementation of Low Power Artificial Intelligence at the Edge”

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