Engineering Symbols and Footprints

To help make designers' and engineers' jobs faster and easier, is launching a series of online tools to simplify the design and ordering processes.

One of these tools is called "Symbols and Footprints." This exciting new tool adds content from nearly a dozen ECAD libraries directly to the product page, making it a snap to:

- Find pin layout

- Ensure that your components fit your board

- View and use 3D models of the components in the project

How to Use Symbols and Footprints

Accessing and using this online tool is simple:

1. Search for a manufacturer's part number

2. Pull up the product description page

3. Look for the blue "Symbols and Footprints" icon next to the product image

The link will open a menu with three options: symbol, footprint, and 3D model. Here, you can zoom and pan within the "symbol" field to get a better look at the product's symbol and pinout. Highlighting an item in the Symbol field will also highlight the corresponding element in the Footprint field (and vice versa). 

Pinout View

This interface allows users a lot of flexibility to assess the component. For instance, you can look at the pinout in detail in the symbol field and see exactly how the "theoretical" wiring diagram compares to a whole component at scale in the footprint field, even comparing the wiring schematic to the various layers of the product in the footprint field. Just select the view and layer you want from the dropdown menus below each field. 

3D Model

Finally, the "3D Model" gives you a sense of the piece as it will look when it arrives. Not only that, you can download the model to use in your product design in just a few steps.

1. Click the "Choose CAD Formats & Download" button.

2. You'll be prompted to choose the system(s) and format(s) you need.

3. Make your selections and complete the CAPTCHA.

4. The models are yours to use!

Compatible Products

Currently, not every product on product features a "Symbols and Footprints" link, but hundreds of thousands do. Use this tool to check in on the products you use and any new components you'll need for your next project. Armed with this information, you're ready to start designing.

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