Fast and easy motor drive design: Infineon launches iMotionTM Modular Application Design Kit

Infineon launches its iMotion™ Modular Application Design Kit (MADK).

The compact and flexible evaluation system provides a scalable design platform for 3-phase motor drives in the range from 20W to 300W.

It includes controller and power boards – sensor-less or optionally with sensors. Using the kit, a full functioning motor system will be running in less than one hour, enabling fast time to market. Designers only need a few steps to run the motor: plug the cards into their PC, motor and grid, download, install and parameterize the software.

Infineon offers four kits which match different motor designs. Every kit includes a control card with debug interface, complete power stage including rectifier and EMI filter. The motor control software is preloaded or available for download, it features an easy to use GUI software for parameterization and tuning. Via standardized M1 20-pin MADK Platform interface connector, various combinations of control and power boards can be realized to best match different application requirements.

The Field Oriented Control (FOC) software supports sensor-less motor control based on the XMC1302 microcontroller. The hardware is also supporting the use of Hall sensors or innovative 3D magnetic sensors. The XMC1302 control card includes a debugger based on Segger J-Link technology. Additionally, the software support for this tool includes an easy to use μC-Probe based GUI. Further application software development can be implemented via DAVE, Infineon’s free-of-charge integrated development environment (IDE), or with major ARM® IDEs, like Keil, IAR or Atollic.

Another control option is available with the IRMCK099M, a motion control ASIC with hardware-based sensor-less FOC control. It comes with a separate debug interface card. Available kits combine the XMC1302 control card with one of four power boards from the μIPM™ IRSM836 series or μIPM-DIP IRSM505 series (500V or 250V).


The four kits and six different single boards are available here. This link also leads to full software packages for each kit as well as additional information on the iMotion MADK.

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