Arrow IoT Retail Technology Solutions Guide

The retail store is making a strong comeback. Despite significant store closings and retail restructurings, customers increasingly like the physical act of shopping in stores. It is not surprising that the retail industry's technology leader, Amazon, has not only been dabbling with physical stores, but has just acquired the grocery chain Whole Foods. Simultaneously, incumbent traditional retailers like Walmart are making big moves online to deliver a seamless omni-channel experience to customers. Across the globe, innovation has becomes a priority for traditional retailers and they are becoming smarter about competing in a disruptive digital age. Dramatic technology driven changes to the in-store experience, retail inventory management and customer interaction have all created a new opportunity for retailers to entice customers, satisfy new needs and enhance profitability. In effect, the future of retail is about delivering a shopping experience that is responsive to the presence and needs of its shoppers.

Interested in learning more about retail solutions? Check out the details of each retail solution here.

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