Panasonic's High Power PhotoMOS Relays

PhotoMOS relays with even more power in the tightest spaces. Panasonic doubles the load current in the SOP6 package.

The new high-current series of PhotoMOS relays from Panasonic Electric Works permits non-wearing, silent, reliable switching within the smallest spaces. The unlimited number of switching cycles of the PhotoMOS is particularly beneficial where the service lives of electro-mechanical or reed relays fall short of requirements.  The new PhotoMOS relays  permit switching voltages up to 100 V (AC&DC) and continuous load currents up to 3.3 A.  In DC-only mode (parallel configuration of MOSFET transistors at the output) up to 6.6 A is even possible at room temperature.

The low on-resistance and resultant little variation across the temperature range also opens up numerous potential applications in measurement and testing, especially where a consistent loop resistance or limiting voltage drop at the switching contact is vital.  Other typical applications are in automation, safety engineering and building automation,  enabling input and output units featuring virtually infinite life-cycles and absolute maintenance-free operation to be realized with minimal actuation power.

Typical Applications
-- Industrial control systems
-- Measuring devices and technology
-- Signal/alarm contacts
-- Outputs for programmable controllers
-- Pulse and counter outputs

The Most Important Advantages at a Glance
-- Linear output characteristics
-- No threshold voltage
-- Low operate current
-- Extremely long lifetime
-- Stable ON-resistance over the entire lifetime
-- Compact design
-- No contact bounce
-- Highly resistant to shock and vibration


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