PocketBeagle | Beagleboard’s Newest and Smallest Computer

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PocketBeagle® is a pocket-sized Linux computer and an ideal development board for beginners and professionals alike. The Linux command-line and text editor can all be found in a web-browser, making programming and electronics prototyping simple. PocketBeagle® is low-cost, extremely expandable and has a large world of programmers, developers, educators and engineers available to support its growth. Here's how it works.

PocketBeagle® is a Linux computer 

Let’s talk size. The poster child of BeagleBoard® is BeagleBone Black®, which stands at 55mm by 86mm and is a perfectly capable credit-card sized computer that has been used in loads of different applications. PocketBeagle®, however, is half the size of the Black – which means it stands at 35mm by 55mm. Like most computers, BeagleBone Black® is meant to be standalone, and it usually connects to a monitor, keyboard and mouse. PocketBeagle was designed for an entirely different purpose.  

PocketBeagle® was designed to live inside your projects

PocketBeagle® was designed to live inside your projects, especially where size is a concern. PocketBeagle® is built around Octavo Systems’ System-In-Package that integrates a high-performance TI AM3358 processor, 512MB of DDR3, power management, nonvolatile serial memory and over 140 passive components into a single package. Since all programming and interfacing with PocketBeagle® is done inside the browser of a connected computer, you can easily program the PocketBeagle® without taking apart your desktop.  

PocketBeagle takes embedded development to the next level

In terms of applications, PocketBeagle® is arguably even more diversely suited than BeagleBone Black®, simply because of its size. It can be used as the computer on a Cube Satellite, a flight controller in a drone, a robotics drive, a cloud enabled IoT device or even a portable gaming consol. There are already available libraries and tutorials for the PocketBeagle®, so getting started will be as effortless as carrying this truly tiny single board computer.

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