Trending in Tech

July 2018

July 2018: July’s second issue of Trending in Tech highlights worst-case circuit analysis requirements, transfer learning for IoT, machine learning in embedded systems, and more.

The Power of Music in Supply Chain

EBN Online

A supply chain practitioner did an experiment where he gave all of his workers access to WiFi and told them to listen to music. His idea was that his pickers could focus on work to the rhythm of their music, subsequently upping productivity. 

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WCCA: Lack of Rigor will Cost You


Worst-case circuit analysis is a significant part of the automotive landscape, yet many new engineers say that they simply don’t have the time – or the budget. However, the consequences of cutting corners can be monumental, and include a higher spend rate than simply performing the WCCA correctly in the first place.

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Transfer Learning for the IoT 


Tremendous discoveries have been made in the area of IoT, with one of the biggest among them being transfer learning. It is an exciting area for machine learning scientists because it mimics the way humans generalize knowledge from one specialized task to another. 

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AI Becomes the New Moore’s Law 

 EE Times

Moore’s Law is dead. Long live AI!” is the rallying cry for many in the semiconductor industry, but the race to the smallest chip is still alive and well for a select few. While nodes may be losing steam, the cost to tape out a 7nm chip exceeds $100 million and the time from tape to market has stretched to four months.

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Applying Machine Learning in Embedded Systems 


The convergence of algorithms and tools has reduced the need for machine learning modules based on first principles. However, developers can now draw on prebuilt models to address their own needs with a vast supply of tools and powerful frameworks. As AI evolves, so will the developer’s tool set.

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How Murata’s Powerful Wi-Fi Module powers the Quicksilver IoT Dev Board


As wireless connectivity continues to evolve, the demand for simple IoT connectivity devices will grow and advanced cloud services have to keep up. Murata’s Type 1 GC Wi-Fi Module provides the reliability and the resources necessary to reach your IoT project goals.

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