Analog Devices Real-Time Learning Modules

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Analog Devices has created a line of active learning modules – the ADALM series – that introduces students to the fundamentals of Engineering in an interesting and digestible way. These easy-to-use tools can be experienced through self-guided learning or via instructor. In this article, we’ll explore three learning modules and their features.

The ADALM1000


Figure 1: The ADALM1000 and kit contents. (Source: Analog Devices)

The ADALM1000 is a great way to introduce the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering. It builds a solid foundation for students by introducing, and focusing on, the world of analog.

The ADALM1000 module illustrates the relationships in the analog world, and includes current, voltage, and impedance (resistance, inductance, and capacitance). It combines capabilities from analyzers, generators, curve tracers, and current/voltage systems. It also provides analysis capabilities for real circuits and concepts that are used in engineering environments.

Since it is teaching the fundamentals of analog, it is an excellent resource for all students, at all levels, from all backgrounds. It has freely available online curricula for both educators and students and includes structured hands-on activities that stimulate and accelerate learning. Additionally, the ADALM1000 builds interest in fundamental engineering concepts, all in a personal portable lab that works with a laptop/tablet. Its Pixelpulse 2 provides an innovative GUI that enables students to minimize the learning curve.

ADALM1000 Features:

• USB powered learning tool
• Measuring and sourcing current (- 200 to +200mA) and voltage (0 to 5V) simultaneously on same pin
• Oscilloscope (100 kSPS), function generator (100 kSPS)
• PixelPulse 2 (open source) supports Windows, Linux, OS X
• 16-bit (0.05%) basic measurement accuracy with 4-digit resolution
• Source and sink (2-quadrant) operation
• C, C++ and Python bindings
• MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox Support
• Open source hardware
• ADALP2000 Analog Parts Kit offers wide selection of analog components and allows solderless breadboarding

The ADALM2000


Figure 2: The ADALM2000. (Source: Analog Devices)

Take the ADALM1000 to the next level with the ADALM2000. With its 12-bit ADCs and DACs running at 100 MSPS (mega samples per second), the ADALM2000 brings high-performance lab equipment to the palm of your hand. Students can explore signals and systems into the tens of MHz with this learning module.

It can augment classroom learning with Analog Devices’ “Scopy” software package that supports the ADALM2000 and provides a GUI that is intuitive for students to learn faster, work smarter, and explore more. It’s designed for university students, DIYers, and teachers, and allows users to learn more about advanced circuits. Students can also leverage the catalog of lessons and labs available for the ADALM2000 and create custom coursework. 

ADALM2000 Features:

• Portable self-contained RF learning module
• Cost-effective experimentation platform
• Based on Analog Devices AD9363--Highly Integrated RF Agile Transceiver and Xilinx® Zynq Z-7010 FPGA
• RF coverage from 325 MHz to 3.8 GHz
• Up to 20 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth
• Flexible rate, 12-bit ADC and DAC
• One transmitter and one receiver, half or full duplex
• MATLAB®, Simulink® support
• GNU Radio sink and source blocks
• libiio, a C, C++, C#, and Python API
• USB 2.0 Powered Interface with Micro-USB 2.0 connector
• High-quality plastic enclosure



Figure 3: The ADALM-PLUTO. (Source: Analog Devices)

While the ADALM1000 and ADALM2000 focus more on the analog circuit theories, the new ADALM-PLUTO introduces the fundamentals of software-defined radio (SDR), radio frequency (RF), and wireless communications to Electrical Engineering students.

The PLUTO features an independent receiver and transmitter channel that can be operated in full duplex. It can generate or acquire RF analog signals from 325 MHz to 3800 MHz at up to 61.44 MSPS. Many software packages can be supported by the PLUTO including the popular software of MATLAB and Simulink. Like its counterparts, this module can be used for both instructor-led and self-directed learning to help develop a foundation in real-world RF and communications.


• Portable self-contained RF learning module
• Cost-effective experimentation platform
• Based on Analog Devices AD9363--Highly Integrated RF Agile Transceiver and Xilinx® Zynq Z-7010 FPGA
• RF coverage from 325 MHz to 3.8 GHz
• Up to 20 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth
• Flexible rate, 12-bit ADC and DAC
• One transmitter and one receiver, half or full duplex
• MATLAB®, Simulink® support
• GNU Radio sink and source blocks
• libiio, a C, C++, C#, and Python API
• USB 2.0 Powered Interface with Micro-USB 2.0 connector
• High quality plastic enclosure

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These three Analog Devices learning modules will create a faster learning environment for electrical engineers (or anyone that wants to learn about electrical engineering) and develop a strong foundation in solid science, technology, and engineering, whether you are a teacher leading a class or a self-learner.


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