Top 5 Sensor Development Boards

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Sensor development boards provide the ideal platform for developing projects and designs that measure or detect pressure, temperature, humidity, motion, color, and even physical position. These sensor boards offer all the necessary support circuitry that allows you to fully utilize the sensor for evaluation and demonstration.

We reviewed our wide range of sensor development boards and selected five that are sure to spark some inspiration or meet the needs of your next application. So, let’s get started!

1. Environmental and Biometric Sensor Puck with BLE from Silicon Labs

The SENSOR-PUCK is a fully-loaded environmental sensor development and demonstration platform for Silicon Labs’ Si114x optical sensors and Si701x/2x relative humidity and temperature sensors. It also includes sensing of ambient light and UV Index, as well as heart rate via fingertip with the Si1147. The demo board is powered by a coin-cell battery (included) and controlled by an EFM32™ energy friendly MCU. With its Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module, the sensor data and battery life are broadcast to your iOS or Android smartphone via the free Silicon Labs Sensor Puck app. Want to tweak the set-up? The Sensor Puck comes preprogrammed with firmware, but it also gives you the capability to view and modify the firmware source code via Silicon Labs’ Simplicity Studio.

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2. FLORA Microcontroller Sensor Platform from Adafruit

Perhaps you are looking to flawlessly incorporate a compass, accelerometer, light sensor, color sensor, GPS, neopixels, or gyroscope into your wearable prototype? The FLORA family of high tech sewable sensors, designed by Adafruit, is the perfect way to bring interactivity to your application. The main FLORA platform is a 1.75” round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller. Each separate sensor board is an ultra-tiny (0.6” diameter) disc that is smaller than a quarter and perfect for lightweight wearable integration. These high tech little sensors chain together and communicate over I²C, so you can incorporate several sensors without using up all of FLORA’s pins and without having to sew endless traces with conductive thread. To get you started, each FLORA sensor has an Arduino library with sample code and example projects. Check out the wide range of sensors available with the FLORA platform!

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3. Thunderboard Sense 2 IoT Development Kit from Silicon Labs

The Thunderboard is a powerful, tidy dev kit that unites a rich suite of environmental sensors. These sensors let allow you to measure:

- Magnetic fields

- Humidity

 -UV index

- Ambient light

- Temperature

- Inertia

- Barometric pressure

The Thunderboard board unites these sensors with a purpose-built app, BLE connectivity, and cloud storage. What you get is an all-in-one, sensor-to-cloud solution that you can monitor and control from your smartphone or computer if you use the web client. You'll have all the environmental data you could want and the ability to see and graph changes in real time, making this the perfect solution for a broad range of IoT applications.

4. I²C Pressure Sensor Board from Amphenol Advanced Sensors

Measuring just 0.4” x 0.29”, the Amphenol I²C pressure sensor evaluation board in one of the smallest in the world. At this size it’s perfect for direct use in an application. With standard 0.1” headers, it was designed for easy breadboarding but can also be directly soldered into a prototype. It provides a simple 3-command I²C interface and does not require hardware register initialization. The NPA 201 digital output sensor can measure 260 to 1260 mBar absolute pressure with 16 bit pressure and temperature resolution. Upon power-up, the sensor is automatically fully initialized and calibrated. Applications for this Amphenol pressure sensor include mobile devices such as smart phones and watches, navigation, and weather equipment such as portable device barometers and altimeters.

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NPA-201 EV

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5. Accelerometer Evaluation Board from Analog Devices

This testing board from Analog Devices provides a complete system for real-time evaluation of the ADXL362 digital-output MEMS accelerometer. The ultralow power, 3-axis MEMS accelerometer consumes less than 2 µA at a 100 Hz output data rate and 270 nA when in motion triggered wake-up mode. Rather than using power duty cycling to achieve lower power consumption, this accelerometer does not alias input signals by undersampling – instead it samples the full bandwidth of the sensor at all data rates. The system includes a GUI to view parameters such as power consumption, temperature coefficient, noise, and more. It consists of a motherboard and a satellite board. With the sensor housed in a socket on the satellite board, it enables the evaluation of multiple parts using one testing system. This accelerometer sensor from Analog Devices is perfect for motion-enabled devices such as robotics and drones. It is also used in hearing aids, home healthcare devices, and motion-enabled power save switches.

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And there you have it – some unique sensor evaluation boards that will help you evaluate and demo a wide variety of sensors for your next prototyping project. Time to get started!


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