New from NXP: A Variety of High-Rugged, RF Power LDMOS Transistors

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NXP has released a selection of N-channel, RF Power LDMOS transistors that will suit the requirements of your communications systems. All of the featured products are designed for pulse applications and are high-rugged for superior performance in high-stress situations. The transistors are suited for applications in industrial, science and medical (ISM) laser and plasma generators or particle acceleration.


The AFV10700HR5 (above left)and the AFV10700HSR5 (above right) operate at 1030 to 1090 MHz, but also function on the 960 to 1215 MHz band with reduced power. The devices feature internally matched input and output, making them easy to use with optimized broadband operation. Both parts in the AFV10700H series are extremely rugged, with a 20:1 voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and contain internal electrostatic discharge (ESD) protections, making them both space-efficient and safely operating. The AFV10700H series is designed for defense and commercial pulse applications.

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NXP Semiconductors RF MOSFET Afficher

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NXP Semiconductors RF MOSFET Afficher


The MRFX1K80HR5 touts unmatched input and output, with a wider 1.8 to 400 MHz frequency range. Featuring similar ESD protections and an extreme 65:1 VSWR ruggedness, the MRFX1K80HR5 also has a high-breakdown voltage, making it more reliable and useful in ISM applications and strenuous weather radar systems.

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NXP Semiconductors RF MOSFET Afficher


The AFM907NT1 also offers a wide frequency range of 136 to 941 MHz, thanks to its unmatched input and output. With internal ESD, an extreme 65:1 VSWR ruggedness and high gain, the device is optimized for use in handheld, two-way radio solutions.

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NXP Semiconductors RF MOSFET Afficher


AFT31150NR5 is the least robust of the NXP MOSFETs with a 10:1 VSWR, but the internally matched input and output and 2700 to 3100 MHz range make it easy-to-use and perfect for long distance communications like weather and maritime radar systems.

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NXP Semiconductors RF MOSFET Afficher


The MRF085GH55 has the same features as the MRFX1K80HR5 with its ruggedness, unmatched input/output and ESD. However, it has a larger frequency range (1.8 to 1215 MHz), and is designed to be suitable for linear applications, making it practical for defense, aerospace and mobile radio systems.

The new set of RF power, LDMOS MOSFETs from NXP will stand up to any tense situation you can put them through, and are guaranteed to operate over 15 years after their launch.


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