Biggest Takeaways from CES 2020

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They say, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”, well that couldn’t be further from the truth when it comes to CES. The amazing advances in technology highlighted in this four-day convention will be shared all over the world! Anything from small startups to large Fortune 100 companies showcase their latest inventions that threaten to change how technology will influence our generation. Eureka Park is the home base for entrepreneurship and startups and the place where I saw the impossible- be possible.

As I explored Eureka Park, I had the chance to interact with the entrepreneurs as they demoed their product. I could see, hear, and feel their passion as they unveiled their new offerings to the world. As I ventured through the park, safety and security had a large presence at CES this year. I think it’s “safe” to say that smart locks are going to be big soon! Locks for homes, containers, cases, trunks- you name it- they are coming! What differentiates each startup is how the lock apparatus works. I saw people incorporating all sorts of technology such as eye scanners, fingerprint detection, proximity sensors, and so much more. One lock that stood out to me was created by Shepherd Lock, a connected home security lock that responds to a finger scan and connects to a phone application. A growing solution for protecting houses or apartments that you’ll be seeing more frequently not only for your family home, but also those vacation rentals we have become so fond of. A fun fact that I heard while walking the floor was that over half of all AirBnB hosts now operate their entrances with smart lock systems.

Walking around Eureka Park, I also noticed a trend centered around sustainability. Do you remember that picture of the little turtle with the straw stuck in its nose? That single picture sparked a revolution to ban plastic straws and is growing in popularity. However, it didn’t stop at plastic straws. The picture encouraged so many people to create projects to reduce waste and make a greener Earth; to be more sustainable. I was blown away at the number of projects that focused on sustainability. One project that stood out to me was a smart shower head that will reduce water waste by using proximity sensors. As you move closer to the shower head, the water pressure increases; but once you step away the pressure decreases. This will not only save water, but it could also decrease your monthly water bill; WIN-WIN!

Lighting was also a popular trend at CES this year. The days of simply using a switch are becoming obsolete with the innovation of smart lighting. Now we can adjust the lights around the house from our smart phones as well as get notifications when lights have been on for an excessive amount of time. This is important as many of us are trying to limit the amount of energy used daily as well as bring down the cost of our energy bills. Not only that, smart lighting can be more than just illumination, but a way to improve emotional wellbeing. I spoke with several entrepreneurs who shared that the right amount of light can improve mood and energy levels, playing a significant role in emotional stability and mental health.

I’m convinced more than ever that technology is going to rapidly improve our everyday lives. Go-getters, visionaries, and innovators around the world are challenging the status quo. These great minds come from a variety of different backgrounds and it is a privilege to interact with them in my role as Entrepreneur Success Coordinator at Arrow. Attending CES gave me the opportunity to connect with many entrepreneurs once again that have taken advantage of the benefits and resources offered through the Arrow Certification Program. Check out a few of these inventions here:


GroPod- an automated, hydroponic planter to help you grow your favorite produce.  

CES 2020 Recap Blog_Grow Pod Campaigner Image

AirPix - a pocket-sized aerial photographer. 

CES 2020 Recap Blog_ Airpix Campaigner Image

Shepherd Lock - a touch enabled keyless entry lock that monitors your door 24/7

CES 2020 Recap Blog_ Shepherd Lock Campaigner Image


By being a part of the program, these entrepreneurs are interacting with the Arrow engineering team, receiving access to exclusive discounts, unlocking marketing benefits, and earning the Arrow Certified Technology badge. Entrepreneurs can take advantage of these resources and others by joining the Arrow Certification Program for free today.

CES was a blast and I can’t wait to follow up with all the great technology companies I got to meet at the convention. Maybe next CES it will be you!



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