Secure IoT device management with PSoC 64 MCUs and AWS

Data is the foundation of the Internet of Things

Data collected and analyzed from IoT devices can help companies make intelligent business decisions ranging from when to service equipment to efficiently managing energy within a building. Ensuring that the data is trusted and not compromised is critical for IoT success.

In this webinar, you will learn how Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Cypress, an Infineon Technologies company, have collaborated to deliver a secure IoT solution from device to cloud. You will see how your IoT device can be securely managed throughout its lifecycle utilizing PSoC 64 Secure MCUs with AWS IoT Services. This powerful combination of hardware, software, and cloud services have been developed to work seamlessly together to deliver a secure end-to-end solution that “just works.”

Attendees will:

  •  Get an introduction to the security features of the PSoC 64 Standard Secure - AWS MCU
  •  See how the PSoC 64 Standard Secure AWS device integrates with AWS IoT services for secure device management
  •  Learn how to get easily started with the PSoC 64 AWS IoT Pioneer Kit and AWS IoT Core





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