Introducing Intel’s First Platform Enhanced for the IoT

Learn more about the Intel Atom® x6000E Series and Intel® Pentium® and Celeron® N and J Series processors. This new platform delivers next-generation CPU and graphics performance with integrated support for real-time computing and Ethernet, functional safety, and industrial-centric I/Os.

The continued growth of computing at the edge is driving IoT devices to support more connectivity, more bandwidth, and higher levels of security—all while reducing latency. To support the next generation of IoT edge devices, Intel has developed a new line of processors enhanced for IoT: The Intel Atom® x6000E Series and Intel® Pentium® and Intel® Celeron® N and J Series processors. These processors build on new levels of CPU and graphics performance with integrated IoT features, real-time performance, manageability, security, and functional safety.

Adding to this platform is a solution to enhance workload consolidation and meet IoT-centric requirements with the Intel® Programmable Services Engine (Intel® PSE). It facilitates numerous new functions; supports real-time, ARM-based applications, and manages industrial I/Os. The integrated Intel® Safety Island supports functional safety, orchestrates Intel-on-chip diagnostics, reports errors, and monitors customer-safety applications.

Learn more about how you can bring next-generation graphics to the edge, find integration and flexibility for IoT with the Intel® Programmable Services Engine, manage devices even when the OS is unresponsive, meet strict functional safety (FuSa) requirements with Intel® Safety Island, deploy real-time computing solutions, and harden security for edge device protection.

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