IoT is about connecting everything - and we've got the tools to connect it

Leveraging decades of experience designing for complex applications, our comprehensive antenna portfolio provides advanced solutions accommodating a broad range of frequency bands for operation on many networks across global and regional markets. Learn how our standard and custom antenna solutions enables the Internet of Things (IoT).

Wireless Solutions for IoT

In this episode, Felisa Chuang, Product Manager RF Solutions, will discuss component of wireless technologies and the role they play in IoT market.

TE Connectivity Wireless Solutions IoT Podcast

Listen to the Podcast

TE Connectivity Smart IoT Application Trend Paper

Read the Smart IoT Applications and Environments Trend Paper

In a world of uncertainties, technology is the one constant that continues to move us forward. Nowhere is this more evident than with the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), the system of uniquely identified interconnected devices that are enabled to transmit and share data over wireless networks. Bridging the gap between the physical and virtual worlds, the IoT is helping to create smart environments by linking these devices to everyday settings and tasks that help individuals, businesses and potentially whole societies, live in a smarter and more comfortable way - and it's growing fast.

We recognize that antennas play a complex role in the dynamics of the IoT. As IoT ecosystems move to support high-density, low latency networks and continue to incorporate various new features into radios and overall system layouts, there is an even greater premium put on antenna system design. As a result, rather than view antennas as passive products - whether they are external or embedded - our engineers treat them as integral solutions in the creation of IoT applications and the creation of smart environments.

TE Connectivity Smart Building and Smart Tracker Supporting Image

We are committed to identifying real world situations where the ability to effectively collect data and gather knowledge can lead to developing sustainable IoT solutions. To demonstrate how our engineers are focused on smart antenna system designs, it makes sense to look at two major trends in IoT applications: Smart Tracking and Smart Buildings.

View the Smart Tracking Infographic

View the Smart Building Infographic

TE Antennas & Solutions

TE Connectivity On Ground Plane & No Ground Plane Antennas Solutions

View the 5G Phantom Antennas Infographic

TE Connectivity Antennas & Solutions Guide

View the Antennas & Solutions Guide for IoT

Wireless Protocol

What's the protocol? You have numerous wireless protocol options to choose from for your IoT connectivity. And it's a crucial decision for the success for your IoT products. This video introduces 5 wireless protocols to consider for your next IoT application.

TE Connectivity Wireless Protocol Video

Watch the Video to Learn More on Wireless Protocol

TE Connectivity Wireless Protocols Infographic

Download 5 Wireless Protocols Infographic

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