PAC1921 High Side Power Current Sensor

Learn More about Microchip’s PAC1921 High Side Power Current Sensor and how it can help you in your next design

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Hello, my name is Mitch Polonski and I’m the High-Side Current Sensor Product Marketer at Microchip Technology. 
I’d like to introduce you to our Pac1921, Microchip’s high-side current sensor that features both an I2C compatible bus, with a configurable analog output.  The device is part of microchip’s high-side current sensor family.  All members of the family are able to present power, current, and voltage over their I2C compatible bus.  

The Pac1921, however, goes further by presenting power, current, and voltage information over its single analog output, while also presenting the values over digital interface.  This allows the device to report complete information over the digital information over its analog output minimizing data latency. This analog output can be configured to present its full-scale voltage as 1, 1.5, 2, or 3 volts.  In this manner the Pac1921 can be made compatible with different micro controllers and ADC’s.  The output voltage range from 0 to 32 volts makes the Pac1921 suitable for networking, industrial automation, power supplies, computing, and power distribution.  In fact, with a scalable gain of 128 XS for current measurement and 32 XS for voltage the device can measure light and heavy current loads while maintaining an accuracy of 1% over its entire power measurement range. 

Finally, to make the device more useful, it comes with a reintegrate pin which can be used to measure continuous periods up to 2.9 seconds long.  If used on multiple voltage rails the measurements can be synchronized with the same GPIO pin. For development Microchip offers on the ADM00592 evaluation board, can be found at  Thank you for taking the time to find out about Microchip’s Pac1921, the world’s first High-Side Current Sensor with a compatible I2C interface and a configurable analog output.  For additional information, review the product page at

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