ADIN1300/1200 Robust Industrial Ethernet PHYs by Analog Devices

The Analog Devices ADIN1300 and ADIN1200 ethernet transceivers for industrial applications provide robustness to operate reliably in harsh environments.

The ADIN1200, from Analog Devices, is a low power, single-port, 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps ethernet transceiver. The ADIN1300 is a low power, single port, gigabit ethernet transceiver. They both have low latency and power consumption specifications, and are primarily designed for industrial ethernet applications. 

Analog Devices´ new Chronous™ family includes leading Industrial Ethernet physical layer devices (PHYs). These solutions are designed for robustness in harsh industrial environments and have completed extensive EMC and robustness testing. They are ideally suited for applications demanding predictable and secure communications. With industry leading low latency and low power technology, ADI supports data rates of 10Mbps, 100Mbps and 1Gbps. Developed to maximize data transmission and signal integrity they support multiple MAC interfaces while being housed in small packages. Designed to operate over an extended industrial temperature ranges, they provide the highest level of reliability for the industrial Ethernet applications of today and tomorrow.

To learn more about Analog Devices Chronous™: Industrial Ethernet Solutions, click here.

Key Features and Benefits:

In automation applications there are a few critical features required to ensure high reliability and network resilience.

- Industries Lowest Latency: This reduces network cycle time, improving network refresh times and allows more devices to be connected to the network. The ADIN1300 offers the industry’s lowest Latency at 290ns Tx & Rx (RGMII)
- Robustness: to external radiated and conducted noise sources given the harsh operating environment. Both the ADIN1300 & ADIN1200 have been tested and adhere to EMI/EMC standards like CISPR 32, IEC 61000-4-2/4/5/6. This will prevent lengthy redesign cycles to secure certification later in the development flow
- Low Power: Devices in Industrial Applications are typically IP65/66 sealed from dust and moisture and hence have restricted airflow and limited power dissipation capability. Similarly, devices are often exposed to high ambient temperatures in industrial environments. The ADIN1300 offers the industry’s lowest power consumption of 330mW
- Wide Temperature Range: Specified for extended ambient temperature ranges from -40°C up to 105°C, provides the highest level of reliability for industrial applications.
- Small Package Size: The ADIN1300 is housed in a 6x6mm 40-LFCSP while the ADIN1200 is housed in a 32-lead 5x5mm 32-LFCSP.

Target Applications

- Process and Factory Automation
- Connection Motion and Robotics
- Building Automation

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