Trending in Tech

January 2019

January 2019: Trending in Tech is your source to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and news in the electronics industry.In our latest issue, we look at open-source architecture, 5G implementation, and raspberry pi hats.

Teardown: Smartwatch embeds dual power sources


See how a crowdfunded hybrid analog smartwatch differentiated itself in a dynamic and growing market.

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MIPS Goes Open Source   


2019 will bring many new things but, most excitingly, RISC-V won't be the only open-source instruction set in town any more.  

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5G test gears up


As 5G moves out of R&D into characterization, validation, production, and deployment, EDN looks at the beginning of a wide-bandwidth wireless era.

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Three techniques for measuring application performance improvement  


Understand how to test your application or function using an I/O toggle, timer setup, or ITM. 

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10 Great Hats for Raspberry Pi 


Among the large volume of available Pi hats, there are 10 that stick out as truly distinguished and valuable products..

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