700V CoolMOS™ P7 N-Channel Superjunction MOSFETs

The 700V CoolMOS™ P7 n-channel superjunction (SJ) MOSFET series has been developed to serve today’s and, especially, tomorrow’s trends in flyback topologies. The technology addresses the low-power SMPS market, mainly focusing on mobile phone chargers and notebook adapters, and is also suitable for power supplies, lighting applications, and home entertainment.

700V CoolMOS™ P7 SJ MOSFET family achieves outstanding efficiency gains of up to 4% and a decrease in device temperature of up to 16K compared to competition. In contrast with the previous 650V CoolMOS™ C6 technology, it offers 2.4% gain in efficiency and 12K lower device temperature, measured at a flyback based charger application, operated at 140kHz switching speed. Benefit from the 700V CoolMOS™ P7 n-channel superjunction MOSFET family's cost-competitive technology. The products feature low switching losses, great thermal behavior and allow high-speed switching.

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Infineon USB PD Charger

Key Benefits of Infineon's USB PD Offering

Short lead times and cost optimized solutions

OptiMOS™ PD is the MOSFET portfolio meeting the needs of USB-PD charger and adapter designs.

Efficiency of >90%

With the XDPS21071 Digital Forced-Frequency-Resonant Flyback Controller for high-density charger and adapter applications.

Smallest form factor

REF_XDPS21071_45W1 – The 45W USB-PD SMPS reference design with XDPS21071, CoolMOS™ P7, and OptiMOS™ PD is a 45W USB-PD Type-C charger in a small form factor.

Price competitiveness for low-power SMPS

The high-voltage switch, 700V CoolMOS™ P7, available in SOT-223 packaging, offers a price competitive solution for consumer applications, such as chargers/adapters in the power range from 10W to 75W.

General Applications

Power Supplies

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