The path to Industry 5.0

For the past decade, manufacturers have been aligning operations with Industry 4.0, rolling out sophisticated technological innovations to enable smart, connected manufacturing systems. Industry 4.0 revolves around embedded connectivity and smart automation connecting machinery, systems, and products via advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), IoT, machine-to-machine communication (M2M), and cyber-physical systems (CPS) to create highly efficient smart operations.

Having built technology and data-driven foundations we have realized the wealth of data available and how this can be stored and intelligently processed for insight-driven integration. The evolution (Industry 5.0) is in taking this infrastructure and data and integrating it with a more human-centric element.

AI-enabled collaborative robots (cobots) and smart devices will work together with employees on the factory floor, further leveraging AI, IoT, and big data to make production processes more responsive and hyper customized. This collaboration between the two realities will facilitate faster decision-making, return manpower to factories, and deliver an enhanced customer experience with a heightened focus on sustainability.

This article covers the fundamental role of AI in enabling Industry 4.0 and 5.0 and considerations for implementing such solutions.


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