Security Overview

Security threats have become complex, and the number of attacks happening against original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are on the rise. OEMs are being required internally and are driven by regulation and laws to protect their client’s private data as well as their own IP. Threats can come from multiple vectors with varying degrees of capabilities and resources. They can be from everyday hackers all the way up through attacks from nation states. If your product is breached, not only do your customers lose confidence and it hurts your reputation, but if appropriate levels of security are not included in products there could be legal and financial liability as well.

Security can no longer be an afterthought. If you are starting a new design or are in the early stages of design, let Arrow help. At Arrow, we know that you want to protect your customers' data, protect your IP, securely get to the cloud, and securely update your devices. There are a wide range of secure devices, services and software that can enable the appropriate security for your application. This can include devices like secure elements, trusted platform modules, secure MCUs, MPUs, FPGAs, cloud, secure software and device management and provisioningTo learn more about these secure devices and solutions, explore below and you might just find one that will work for you!

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