IoT Smart Cities Solutions Overview

Arrow is Bringing the Smart City Vision to Life

Connectivity is powering the next-generation of intelligent urban development, integrating information and communication technology with the Internet of Things to more intelligently manage a city’s resources. Governments can understand how their cities are functioning in real-time, and cities can become safer and more efficient, use less power, and have less traffic. Building owners and management companies are looking for ways to make their building more efficient, save costs, and create a experience for their customers and employees.

Connect the Urban Landscape and Optimize Quality of Life

Arrow offers innovative tools for cities, airports and buildings that connect, remotely manage, and leverage complex sets of connected devices and systems. Municipality and building managers can derive insights from real-time data and deploy innovative new services for citizens and city workers, and they can model, predict and plan better for daily operations or even for emergencies.

Arrow Helps You Navigate the IoT Ecosystem

Whether you are putting together a new water monitoring system via cellular, or looking for a proof of concept for LoRaWAN, Arrow can help you navigate the IoT ecosystem and find or create solutions that increase efficiencies, decrease costs, and provide better services. Arrow brings Smart Cities to life.

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