Wide Band Gap Overview

Wide bandgap (WBG) power electronics (PE) are a small but growing segment of PE. They are used for the conversion, control, and processing of electricity. As
energy demand and environmental awareness grows,
there has been an increase in regulations related to
energy efficiency and power consumption. WBG semiconductors help reduce size and increase energy efficiency making them a great choice for the devices of
the future. To help you select the right device for your application, Arrow has curated a guide with WBG devices from leading manufacturers. Click below to download the guide or keep scrolling for links directly to featured WBG products.





Wide Band Gap Applications

WBG semiconductors support a variety of applications
from alternative energy to electric vehicles. Arrow’s WBG
playbook features applications like high voltage motor starters, drives, and battery chargers as well as HP
inverters, uninterruptable power supplies, and alternative energy. Click 'learn more' below to learn about the devices
powering these applications and the two categories of
WBG devices – discretes and modules.





Start Your WBG Journey Today

Arrow offers the support and expertise needed to fast
track your development. Reach out today to get access
to loaner development tools, guidance from our power specialists, product development services, and customizable global supply chain programs. Click below
to contact your local representative today.



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