Microchip 8-Bit
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Microchip Technology
Microcontroller and Microprocessor
Microcontrollori e processori
Flash Memory Controllers
PIC microcontroller programming: The basics for every designer
Learning how to program a PIC microcontroller (MCU) involves a thorough understanding of the application, the basic hardware architecture of the PIC to be used, and the software tool chain.
Un'occhiata più da vicino alle periferiche indipendenti dal core
Quali sono i vantaggi delle periferiche indipendenti dal core (CIP) per un'applicazione? Oltre a consentire agli utenti di automatizzare determinate attività che normalmente vengono eseguite dall'unità di elaborazione centrale sulla base di istruzioni scritte nel software, riducono la quantità di codice da scrivere per lo sviluppatore e creano un sistema più reattivo e a bassa potenza.
Explorer 8: The All-in-One Development Board for Embedded 8-bit Design
The Explorer 8 development board can be used with any 8- bit pick microcontroller – from 8 pins to 80 pins. Whether you’re updating your Legacy designs or taking the next step in your product development journey, the Explorer 8 is the perfect board for any 8-bit application including IoT, battery charging, and power conversion simplification.
Introducing the Curiosity Development Board by Microchip
The new Curiosity development board by Microchip is a cost-effective development board geared toward first-time users, makers, and anyone looking for a rapid prototyping development board. The fully integrated, feature-rich Curiosity is perfect for improving designs or starting projects from the ground up.
Expanding the usefulness of 8-bit Microcontrollers to Enable the Embedded World
The world of embedded microcontrollers is a world in transition. For years, the 8-bit MCU was so widely incorporated that it spawned a plethora of existing designs and applications, but since its rollout, much has changed.