Saving More Lives: Design Better Smoke Detectors and Meet New Regulatory Requirements

Stay in compliance with current UL 217 regulatory guidelines and prevent occurrences of disabled or nuisance smoke and fire alarms with high-performance sensors from Analog Devices. Register now for a closer look at the latest regulations and learn about the new software and algorithm solutions available for designing better smoke detectors.

Save lives and reduce the following statistics: 
3 out of 5 deaths result from fires in properties without working smoke alarms
23% of deaths are caused by fires where smoke alarms were present but were intentionally disabled due to false alarms

This webinar covers:
How the UL 217 8th edition has created new challenges 
Interpreting the regulations and explaining the impact they have
The approach for handling the new regulations

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2020
Time: 8:00 AM PDT 


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