Intelligent Menus

Intelligent Menus

Rebrand your entire venue or event with the click of a button. Display advertising and welcome messages along with useful product information. Quickly create, add new content, photos and manage visual appealing digital menu boards. Capture customers attention and get customers tempted to buy.

Digital menus are becoming essential for all restaurants including specialty retail, grocery and hospitality and it plays an important role in promoting the business and now in real-time. Intelligent menus provide up to date information about the food articles available at the restaurant along with prices, but also can be designed to motivate the customer to order the food or product. Different restaurants have different approaches on serving the food or selling their product and displaying prices. Similarly different restaurants follow different menu styles. Intelligent menu displays are directly correlated to an increase in sales and improving the customer experience with dynamic, engaging and informative messaging.

Digital menu boards for the quick service retail store front. Advantech’s UShop intelligent eMenu board solution allows users to easily promote services and products via real-time advertisements. Users can remotely edit and dispatch content to the display system, which then disseminates the content to all chain restaurants.

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