IoT Retail Solutions Overview

The Continued Success of Retail will depend on Smart Technologies

Smart retail is a term used to describe a set of connected technologies that are designed to give both retail and the consumer a greater, faster, safer and more efficient environment. Retail is in a world in which nearly everybody now carries around a smart mobile device and this is what has enabled this new revolution and competitiveness in retail. A smart retail store is both a brick-and-mortar (called the offline experience) and online experience using connected technologies like smart digital labels, smart price tags, carts, digital signs, remote tracking systems, etc. Smart retail stores usually deliver their services in both the offline and online format in what the industry calls the omnichannel customer experience. These services are delivered via the Internet/wireless infrastructure, over applications and augmented reality applications in the offline brick-and-mortar store. The intention behind the adoption of connected technologies in retail is to not just improve the overall customer experience but also to enhance things like the productivity of the store space and inventory. Connected technologies are enabling the retail brand to be more nimble and flexible in their product and service offerings, providing exclusivity if need be and in real-time to the ever changing needs of the consumer. Arrow and its global partner network are addressing Retail’s ask for new technology and innovation, smart retail needs that deliver to their most important business outcomes.

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