TWR-K60D100M-KIT, Kinetis K60 100 MHz MCU Tower System Module, featuring the MK60DN512VMD10 an ARM Cortex-M4 and contains the Tower Elevator Modules(TWR-ELEV) and the Tower Serial Module (TWR-SER)

Progetto di riferimento usando la parte MK60DN512VMD10 di NXP Semiconductors


NXP Semiconductors
  • Categorie di applicazione
    Sistema integrato
  • Tipologia di prodotti

Per prodotti finali

  • Activity Monitor
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Health System
  • HVAC
  • Industrial
  • Medical and Healthcare
  • Motion Motor Control
  • Security

Per contattare il Servizio Clienti.

  • TWR-K60D100M-KIT, Kinetis K60 100 MHz MCU Tower System Module, featuring the MK60DN512VMD10 an ARM Cortex-M4 and contains the Tower Elevator Modules (TWR-ELEV) and the Tower Serial Module (TWR-SER). The TWR-K60D100M-KIT is a Tower Controller Module compatible with the Tower System and contains the Tower Elevator Modules (TWR-ELEV) and the Tower Serial Module (TWR-SER), low cost platform for the evaluation of the Kinetis K10, K20 and K60 family of microcontroller (MCU) devices. The TWR-K60D100M-KIT features the Kinetis K60 low power microcontroller based on the ARMR Cortex-M4 architecture with USB 2.0 full speed OTG controller and 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC

Funzioni principali

  • Embedded System Type
  • Family Name
    Kinetis K10|Kinetis K20|Kinetis K60
  • Core Processor
    ARM Cortex-M4
  • Platform
    Tower System

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