ACS37002: 400 kHz high-accuracy hall-effect current sensor

Features and Benefits

  • High accuracy
    • 1% Sensitivity error from 25ºC to 125ºC (K version)
    • 1.75% Sensitivity error from –40ºC to 150ºC (L version)
    • Low Offset <10 mV over temperature
    • Non-ratiometric output with reference output
  • Compact SOW-16 package
    • Internal conductor resistance as low as 0.27 mΩ
    • High Isolation - Up to 5 kVRMS Withstand Voltage
  • Wide Operating Bandwidth
    • 400 kHz
  • 4 Pin-selectable Gain Options
    • Bidirectional or Unidirectional
    • 33 A to 133 A Ranges
  • Fast overcurrent detection
    • 1.5 µs max response time
    • Resistor adjustable set point
  • Differential Hall Sensors for Stray-field Immunity
  • 3.3 V or 5 V Operation

ACS37002 on the SpeedVal Kit™ Modular Silicon Carbide EVB

  • Two per board – in-line and low-side placement, located on the motherboard
  • Fast response time, high bandwidth – supports 400kHz bandwidth
  • High current sensing – +/- 50A bidirectional sensing
  • Isolation built in – a basic isolation rating of 1097 VRMS, reinforced rating of 565 VRMS, withstand voltage 4.8 kV
  • No sense resistor required - lowers total path resistance & inductance and helps switch faster without ringing

Allegro Current Sensor Benefits over Shunt-Based Approaches

  • 3x to 10x smaller size
  • Shunt & external circuitry is much larger
  • Low W shunt alone can be much larger than our IC package!
    • Built-in reinforced isolation
  • Shunt-based solutions require an isolated power supply and signal isolation
  • Allegro current sensors don’t have any active circuits on the high voltage side, no additional isolation needed!
  • In-line made easy
  • Same Allegro solution capable of low-side, high-side, or in-line current sensing
  • Excellent PWM rejection / common mode transient immunity (CMTI)
  • High bandwidth sensing
  • Up to 1 MHz bandwidth current sensors are available today!
    • Ease-of-use, all necessary signal conditioning built in
  • Significant analog design effort is needed for accurate shunt-based solutions
  • Allegro current sensors integrate trimmed compensation, plug-and-play!
  • MC Package Reduces Heat-sinking Burden vs. Shunt Significantly Lower Power DissipationMeasuring >50 A with shunts can be challenging
  • Trade-off between power dissipation and SNR
    • ±200 mV full-scale input range for shunt amplifiers
    • To maximize SNR a larger shunt yields more voltage and can burn 10’s W
    • Smaller shunt resistance reduces input voltage signal and lower SNR

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